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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - small


Связанные словари


~1 adj 1 »SIZE« not large in size or amount  (He's a small man, only five feet tall. | Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe. | No, not that one - the small one with the red handle! | a smaller increase in the inflation rate than last year)  (- see little1) 2 »UNIMPORTANT« a small problem, job, mistake etc is unimportant or easy to deal with  (Your work is good, but I found a number of small mistakes. | It's a small matter but worth mentioning.) 3 »YOUNG CHILD« a small child is young  (She's married with three small children.) 4 small farmer/dealer/business a farmer, business etc that does not involve large amounts of money  (Most of the land in this region belongs to small farmers.) 5 »LETTER« small letters are the smaller of the two forms that we use, for example `b' rather than `B' 6 a conservative with a small `c'/a pacifist with a small `p' etc informal someone who believes in the principles you have mentioned, but not very strongly 7 small fortune a lot of money  (That dress must have cost you a small fortune.) 8 make sb feel small to do something to make someone feel stupid, unimportant, or ashamed  (She was always laughing at me and making me feel small.) 9 in a/some small way if something helps, affects, influences etc it has an effect but not an important one  (It was good to feel we had helped in some small way.) 10 »VOICE« a small voice is quiet and soft  ("I don't want to stay here." she said in a small voice.) 11 small beer BrE /small potatoes AmE someone or something that is not at all important  (Parking fines? Pretty small beer compared with some of the things he's done in the past.) 12 small fry informal a) unimportant people or things  (Of course no one bothers about small fry like us.) b) AmE children  (I've sent the small fry out to play in the yard.) - small adv  (He writes so small I can't read it.) - smallness n ~2 n 1 the small of your back the lower part of your back where it curves 2 smalls BrE old-fashioned informal underwear
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  (smaller, smallest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A small person, thing, or amount of something is not large in physical size. She is small for her age... The window was far too small for him to get through... Stick them on using a small amount of glue. ? large ADJ • smallness Amy had not mentioned the smallness and bareness of Luis’s home. ? largeness N-UNCOUNT 2. A small group or quantity consists of only a few people or things. A small group of students meets regularly to learn Japanese... Guns continued to be produced in small numbers. ? large ADJ 3. A small child is a very young child. I have a wife and two small children... What were you like when you were small? = young, little ADJ 4. You use small to describe something that is not significant or great in degree. It’s quite easy to make quite small changes to the way that you work... No detail was too small to escape her attention... = minor ? major ADJ 5. Small businesses or companies employ a small number of people and do business with a small number of clients. ...shops, restaurants and other small businesses... ADJ 6. If someone makes you look or feel small, they make you look or feel stupid or ashamed. This may just be another of her schemes to make me look small... ADJ: v-link ADJ 7. The small of your back is the bottom part of your back that curves in slightly. Place your hands on the small of your back and breathe in. N-SING: the N of n 8. the small hours: see hour small wonder: see wonder see also smalls ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English smal, from Old English sm?l; akin to Old High German smal ~, Greek melon ~ domestic animal  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having comparatively little size or slight dimensions  b. lowercase  2.  a. minor in influence, power, or rank  b. operating on a limited scale  3. lacking in strength a ~ voice  4.  a. little or close to zero in an objectively measurable aspect (as quantity, amount, or value)  b. made up of few or little units  5.  a. of little consequence ; trivial, insignificant a ~ problem  b. humble, modest a ~ beginning  6. limited in degree  7.  a. mean, petty  b. reduced to a humiliating position  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, little, diminutive, minute, tiny, miniature mean noticeably below average in size. ~ and little are often interchangeable, but ~ applies more to relative size determined by capacity, value, number a relatively ~ backyard. little is more absolute in implication often carrying the idea of petiteness, pettiness, insignificance, or immaturity your pathetic little smile. diminutive implies abnormal ~ness diminutive bonsai plants. minute implies extreme ~ness a minute amount of caffeine in the soda. tiny is an informal equivalent to minute tiny cracks formed in the painting. miniature applies to an exactly proportioned reproduction on a very ~ scale a dollhouse with miniature furnishings.  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1. in or into ~ pieces  2. without force or loudness speak as ~ as you will — Shakespeare  3. in a ~ manner  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a part ~er and especially narrower than the remainder the ~ of the back  2.  a. plural ~-sized products  b. plural, chiefly British ~clothes; especially underwear ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 not large or big. 2 slender; thin. 3 not great in importance, amount, number, strength, or power. 4 not much; trifling (a small token; paid small attention). 5 insignificant; unimportant (a small matter; from small beginnings). 6 consisting of small particles (small gravel; small shot). 7 doing something on a small scale (a small farmer). 8 socially undistinguished; poor or humble. 9 petty; mean; ungenerous; paltry (a small spiteful nature). 10 young; not fully grown or developed (a small child). --n. 1 the slenderest part of something (esp. small of the back). 2 (in pl.) Brit. colloq. small items of laundry, esp. underwear. --adv. into small pieces (chop it small). Phrases and idioms feel (or look) small be humiliated; appear mean or humiliated. in a small way unambitiously; on a small scale. no small considerable; a good deal of (no small excitement about it). small arms portable firearms, esp. rifles, pistols, light machine-guns, sub-machine-guns, etc. small beer 1 a trifling matter; something unimportant. 2 weak beer. small-bore (of a firearm) with a narrow bore, in international and Olympic shooting usu. .22 inch calibre (5.6 millimetre bore). small capital a capital letter which is of the same dimensions as the lower-case letters in the same typeface minus ascenders and descenders, as THIS. small change 1 money in the form of coins as opposed to notes. 2 trivial remarks. small circle see CIRCLE. small claims court Brit. a local tribunal in which claims for small amounts can be heard and decided quickly and cheaply without legal representation. small craft a general term for small boats and fishing vessels. small fry 1 young children or the young of various species. 2 small or insignificant things or people. small hours the early hours of the morning after midnight. small intestine see INTESTINE. small letter (in printed material) a lower-case letter. small mercy a minor concession, benefit, etc. (be grateful for small mercies). small potatoes an insignificant person or thing. small print 1...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) маленький 2) малый 3) небольшой 4) слабый 5) строчный 6) тонкий arbitrarily small domain — как угодно малая область as small as desired — сколь угодно малый as small as we please — сколь угодно малый group without small subgroups — группа без малых подгрупп infinitely small infinitesimal element — бесконечно малый элемент infinitely small infinitesimal quantity — бесконечно малая величина infinitely small infinitesimal shift — бесконечно малое смещение infinitely small sequence — бесконечно малая последовательность infinitesimally small limit — бесконечно малый предел law of small numbers — матем. закон малых чисел, распределение Пуассона method of small paramater — метод малого параметра (в теории обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений) no matter how small — сколь бы мало ни было order of smallness of small quantity — порядок малости small category with zero — малая категория с нулем small deflection linearization — линеаризация методом малых отклонений small ditrigonal dodecaicosododecahedron — малый битригональный додекаикосододекаэдр small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron — малый дитригональный икосододекаэдр small diurnal range — геогр. амплитуда малая средняя суточная small inverted retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron — малый вывернутый обратноплосконосый икосоикосододекаэдр small merchantable wood — мелкотоварная древесина small quantity of n-th order — малая величина n-го...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) маленький 2) мелкий, незначительный - small business - small change - small crop - small development - small farmer - small harvest - small industries ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  маленький, небольшой; мелкий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. узкая тонкая часть (чего-либо) the small of the leg —- чуть выше щиколотки the small of the back —- поясница 2. (the small) собир. невысокие люди; дети; низкорослые животные 3. простой люд; неимущие слои the great and the small —- великие и малые мира сего 4. ист. короткие штаны в обтяжку (употребляется с глаголом во множественном числе) 5. бельевая мелочь (носовые платки и т. п.), особенно отдаваемая в стирку (употребляется с глаголом во множественном числе) 6. разг. мелочь (мелкие вещи, отданные в стирку) 7. горн. штыб Id: in small —- в миниатюре; в небольших размерах Id: small and early —- рано заканчивающаяся вечеринка с небольшим числом приглашенных 8. маленький, небольшой small room (territory, difference, sum of money) —- небольшая (маленькая) комната (территория, разница, сумма денег) small man —- человек небольшого (маленького роста) small boy —- малыш, маленький мальчик small child —- маленький ребенок small birds —- птенцы small people —- дети; разг. мелюзга; фольк. эльфы, феи, гномы small dose —- малая доза small group —- небольшая группа on a small scale —- в небольшом масштабе her large small family —- ее многочисленные детишки (малыши), ее многодетная семья to break into small pieces —- разбить на мелкие куски the trees are in small leaf —- деревья только-только...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  beer  а) слабое пиво  б) fig. пустяки  в) fig. ничтожный человек to think no small beer of oneself быть о себе высокого мнения SMALL change  а) мелкие деньги, мелочь  б) что-л. мелкое, незначительное SMALL coin разменная монета SMALL fortune coll. целое состояние, большая сумма SMALL fruit ягоды SMALL fry disdain.; joc. мелкота, мелюзга; мелкая сошка SMALL hand мелкий почерк SMALL holder мелкий собственник; мелкий арендатор SMALL holdings приусадебные участки SMALL hours noun; pl. первые часы после полуночи SMALL ad noun короткое объявление (в газете) SMALL intestine тонкая кишка SMALL nettle жгучая крапива; SMALL potatoes  а) пустяки;  б) мелкие людишки SMALL print noun  1) мелкая печать, мелкий шрифт  2) важная информация, напечатанная мелким шрифтом на неприметном месте (в контракте, полисе и т.п.) SMALL screen noun телевидение SMALL talk noun светский разговор SMALL toothed comb частый гребень SMALL  1. adj.  1) маленький; небольшой; small boy - малыш; small craft - мелкие суда, лодки; small capitals typ. - капитель; small tools - ручной инструмент, слесарный инструмент  2) мелкий; small coal - штыб, угольная пыль; small rock - щебень  3) незначительный, малый, ничтожный; he has small Latin - он плохо знает латынь; he drank a small whiskey - он выпил глоток виски; on the small side - более чем скромных размеров  4)...
Англо-русский словарь
  or wee hours {n. phr.} The very early hours of the morning between 1 and 4 A.M. * /My brother was in trouble for coming home in the small hours./ See: WEE HOURS. SMALL See: BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. smжl "slender, narrow, small," from P.Gmc. *smalaz. Sense of "not large, of little size" developed in O.E. With many extended senses, e.g. small fry, first recorded 1697 of little fish, 1885 of insignificant people. Meaning "of low alcoholic content" (cf. small beer) is from 1440. Smallpox is from 1518; small potatoes first attested 1940; small change "something of little value" is from 1902; small talk (1751) first recorded in Chesterfield's "Letters." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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